Oh I am just in tears after reading this story. It's just unthinkable. I just couldn't decide I don't think, I'd try and pull both up at once or die trying. There are some details I just don't understand in the story, like why did the other 2 boys not try and save their friend? Or even hold her daughter so the mother could go back? But we weren't there so we can't be sure what all happened. Maybe in the confusion they thought he had escaped. I really don't have a whole lots to say for this article other than my heart aches for every person involved. I pray nobody will ever have to make this choice again. I know I could never.
What do you think? Could you ever make this choice if it were life or death or would you die trying?
Wow what a said story. But I believe the mother did what any mother would do take the baby to safety first then go back for the older child. I think the kicker is that if he had his window down he probably could of escaped on his own. Or if the paramedics hadn't arrived she could of dove back down for him. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family. I hope they find healing and peace and are able to joy the birth of the new baby boy.