Monday, September 13, 2010

News Story - another baby in the trash.

Everyday I will try and write about a news story that caught my eye. I appreciate all comments, insights and views. I am in no way saying my views are correct, this is MY personal opinion. My morals, my judgement.

We cannot always control the circumstances in our lives, but we can control our attitude toward them

The old baby in the garbage story. Its getting a little old isn't it? In a society where there are so many safe havens to leave your newborn, a fire station, a hospital, hell even hand the baby to a stranger, say I can't do this and walk away. What about a policeman, a nurse, church pastor, how about ANY human being and not a trashcan. That is murder or at least attempted muder! She had the baby and left him for dead in an airplane garbage. How can you throw out your child like an old piece of gum? Did anyone not hear her labor, hear a newborn cry coming from the washroom?
It just breaks my heart. This little man started his life with trash. The bathroom garbage and his poor excuse of a mother. Some even defend this mothers actions saying she was scared, she had post partum depression etc. Those are not excuses! If they were we could excuse so many murders in the world. There is no excuse to murder your own child. She could have even left him in the sink on a bed of paper towels for the next person, although that had many risks as well it still would have been better than the trash. Thank goodness the Lord was looking out for that baby and let the airplane worker find him. I pray he lives a life with an adoptive family who loves and wants him.
Now the moral of my rant is going to be prevention. What could have been done to prevent something like this from ever happening? What about education. This could have been a scared 14 year old who didn't want her mother to know, it could have been a 40 year old married mother who just couldn't handle another? We just DON'T know! Not until we find the woman. I think more childbirth education from parents. We should educate them more about sex, the consequences, what to do if they ever did fall pregnant or got a girl pregnant. Sure they teach it in school but do children really trust their teachers? They should hear it from their own parents. "Sure we would be upset if you got pregnant but it wouldn't be the end of the world. An adoptive family would be blessed if you didn't want the baby and life would go on" or something along those lines not just an "I'd kill you if you ever got pregnant" most teenage girls receive. EVERY person should know the safe havens, places to leave your baby so they can live and have a good life. Young, old, I'm sure it has happened with both. Every person should know the value of a humans life, know that if that baby dies from their actions it IS considered murder and they will find you!
I'm sorry if I seem harsh here but as a mother who had to fight for her babies life, it angers me even more. I was told my daughter would die, she wouldn't make it and to think someone could so easily throw away a life sickens me. There is a special kind of hell for these people.

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